Mixed Gold Kalachakra Thangka Thanka Painting Nepal art N2855


by JK Silver


This is a beautiful mixed gold Kalachakra Thangka painting from Nepal that I brought back from a recent trip there. It has a good details and a mixed gold accent paint of 10 to 14 k.

Some history of the Kalachakra:The Kalachakra Mandala is a Thangka surrounded by fire. Fire in Tantrism means knowledge. Accordingly, without knowledge there is no possibility of arriving at supreme understanding. In the case of the Kalachakra Mandala, fire also means that believers who enter it are purified, and with their passage through the fire, their ego and all their illusions will burn away.

The next layer in from the fire consists a circle of vajras that indicates transition to the world of knowledge. In Tibet and Nepal the vajra is known to be a thunderbolt or diamond that destroys all kinds of ignorance.

Next we have a layer of 8 dharma chakras or wheels referring to Shakyamuni Buddha setting the wheel of the teachings into motion. The letters between the wheels indicate various deities.

Beyond the deity lettering lays the cosmic ocean with entrance gates guarded by chariots. Each gate is colored differently representing the four directions. Once inside the gate one may pass through various layered Stupa squares representing the elements of earth, water, fire, and air.

Finally as one journeys on, he finds himself in the center the cosmic mountain of mount Meru where the gods live, symbolic for enlightenment.

No noticeable flaws.

Size: 12" long and 12.4" wide  (  25.4 cm long and 25.4 cm wide  ) including border: 10.7" long and 10.7" wide  ( 21.1 cm long and 21.1 cm wide  ) excluding  border